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Friends and Family Daycare “Child Safe Care Plan”

ILLNESS: If your child becomes ill during the school day, parents will be notified and expected to pick their child up as soon as possible. A maximum of 1 hour should be enough time to pick your child up so we can minimize additional exposure to the other children and staff. If your child becomes ill while at home, please notify the center early that morning of the illness and please keep your child home. If your child has a fever 100 degree or more or if they show signs of communicable sickness, keep them at home at least 24 hours before returning to care. If your child was exposed to COVID-19 and has COVID-19 Symptoms, please follow the CDC Guidelines for how long they need to isolate (which can usually be 5 days and sometimes up to 10 days).

Definitions of Illness:

v Fever 100 degree or higher

v Cough

v Congestion or runny nose

v Difficulty Breathing

v Diarrhea

v Nausea or Vomiting

v Headaches

v Muscle or Body Aches

v Irritability

v Sore throat

v Rash

v Fatigue or any other symptoms

v Pink Eye

Once your child is fever or illness free, without medication for 24 hours or more, they can return to care. If the illness required a physician visit, they could return upon the release of the physician return to school notice in which we would like to be provided a copy of.

MEDICAL CONDITIONS/ALLERGIES: We will administer medication to your child with a signed waiver. The medications must be in the original package with the child’s name, doctor’s name, dosage, and contact information.

Medication for a life-threatening medical situation such as Asthma rescue medication or an EPI pen for allergic reactions must be provided and we will keep them at the center as well. These medications must be in the original package with the child’s name, doctor’s name, dosage, and contact information. Once the medication is expired or not needed, we will return the medication to the parent and have parents complete a release form.

Dated: 1/10/2022

MEDICAL EMERGENCIES & GENERAL HEALTH: For all medical emergencies, we will call 9-1-1 and follow all required instructions. Parents will be notified thereafter then we will contact our Childcare Licensing Office. If parents are unavailable, the emergency contacts will be notified. Parents are responsible for any expenses as a result of emergency room care, ambulance and medical care provided. The hospital we will request all children be transported to is: (Your local hospital name, address, city, state, and phone number).

NONMEDICAL EMERGENCIES: In the event of a site relocation the center is forced to evacuate the premises, we will go to either our playground area or the IHA Medical center located next to our building. until we can return. Parents will be notified if this occurs. We will also engage the children in activities until the parent’s pickup or we can return to the daycare. Our goal is to successfully reunify the parents to the children. We will also maintain proper notification to the parent & follow our same pick up & sign out procedures.

INCIDENT/ILLNESS REPORTS: Parents will receive reports of any incidents/illness/injuries that occur with your child. All reports must be signed and dated by the staff, parents, and the Administrator. The report will be kept in the child’s file.

OUTBREAK: Parents will be notified of any outbreaks or communicable diseases that occur while your child is in care. If any outbreak occurs, your child will not be allowed to return until we have a Physicians release statement. We follow the CDC communicable disease chart. The chart outlines each disease, symptoms, treatment & exclusion time.

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